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About Venite “Come, let us sing to the Lord.”

So begins Psalm 95, the traditional invitatory psalm of the Anglican service of Morning Prayer—known from its Latin incipit as “The Venite.”

Venite.app is one convenient way to pray; nothing more, and nothing less. It’s the 2020 edition of a project I’ve been working on since 2015, and I hope you’ll find it an elegant and flexible way to structure your life of prayer.

To the extent that this app is useful, it’s only because it stands on the proverbial shoulders of giants. I learned to pray using the classic Daily Office sites from The Mission of St. Clare and from Derek Olsen’s Haligweorc, now St. Bede’s Breviary. All my work is deeply indebted to and inspired by these two sources, and especially to the fantastic bcponline.org.

If you’re looking for a way to pray from the 2019 ACNA prayer book, I commend Benjamin Locher’s Daily Office 2019. Members of the Church of England might find Daily Prayer helpful.

Developing this app is only a hobby for me, but I try to fix bugs and add new features and content when I can. Feel free to contact me any time with suggestions or questions at the email address or Twitter account below.


This app is sponsored by Forward Movement. The content is controlled by Greg Johnston.

The Rev. Greg Johnston




Sponsored by Forward Movement.